Helminths are intestinal worms that can cause abdominal pain and discomfort
Pesky Parasites!
Be pro-active in prevention.
Many of us avoid discussions or action around parasites despite the fact that they so prevalent. The recommendation is to treat for intestinal parasites every four months or so.
Although it’s unpleasant to think about intestinal parasites, remember that worm infections are incredibly common, affecting up to a quarter of the worlds population. Fortunately they are very easy to treat using our Advanced Gut Relief product.
Remember to treat for intestinal parasites every four months or so - if left untreated, any infection can get worse. If you are concerned and want more information you should consult your health professional.
Food and water are the most common sources of parasite and invading organism transmission. Since most of us eat three times a day and drink water frequently throughout the day, our exposure to these sources is constant.
Tap water has been found to be contaminated with harmful organisms. Both plant and animal foods carry parasites, and cleaning and cooking methods often do not often destroy them before ingestion.
While some parasites create no symptoms in their hosts, others can cause severe illness. Parasitic infections occur when parasites grow, reproduce, or invade organ systems that make their hosts ill.
Helminths are parasitic worms that can infect humans and other animals. There are three types of helminths: flukes (trematodes), tapeworms (cestodes), and roundworms (nematodes).
People with mild infections of helminths might not have any symptoms. However, if the infection persists it can lead to more severe symptoms that often include abdominal pain and discomfort.
The symptoms of helminthiasis, or an intestinal worm infection can include:
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Blood loss, including blood in the stool
- Weakness or exhaustion
- Weight loss and malnutrition
- Restricted growth
- Cognitive effects (changes in thinking and memory)
- Rectal prolapse (the rectum protrudes beyond the anus)
Diseases Caused by Helminths
When helminths infect a person, they can lead to diseases. On average about 24% of people globally have a helminth infection. The three most common intestinal worm infections are:
Ascariasis is the most common type of helminthiasis in humans. It’s caused by the roundworm Ascaris lubricoides. Ascaris larvae and adult worms live in the intestines.
Many people with ascariasis don’t have symptoms, but a severe infection can lead to abdominal symptoms. Ascariasis can also migrate outside the intestines, leading to cough and other symptoms as the worms spread.
Whipworm is an infection caused by a type of roundworm. Whipworms live in the large intestine and generally cause a more severe infection than ascariasis.
The symptoms of whipworm include painful bowel movements, diarrhea that contains blood or mucus, and frequent defecation. As whipworm progresses, a person can experience anal prolapse, anemia (reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen due to low red blood cells or low hemoglobin), and stunted growth.5
Hookworm infections are caused by the helminths Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus. These worms infect the small intestine. They are rare in develloped countries.
Unlike other helminth infections that are passed by ingesting eggs, hookworm is most often contracted by walking barefoot on contaminated soil - soil that has been exposed to fecal mater . Hookworm larvae in the soil can enter the body through the feet and travel to the intestine.
After the hookworm enters the foot, a person might experience itchiness or a rash. With mild infections, there may be no symptoms after that. More severe infections will lead to diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and anemia.
All of the above parasites can be treated using our Advanced Gut Relief product.