Curcumin for Stress, Inflammation, Fertility, Immunity, Sleep, and Aging
Edited from an article by Dr Laurie Terzo June 19, 2019
For our hormones to be in balance and running optimally, we need antioxidants from the food we eat or the supplements we take. Antioxidants are necessary in protecting our body against some of the deleterious effects of what we eat, our environment (the air, the products we use in our home, the products we use on our body, our stress levels, our sleep, etc. – if these things are not optimal. Antioxidants can also prevent aging at a cellular level, and this includes preventing damage to our egg health which can impact fertility.
Another positive aspect of using turmeric to improve fertility is that turmeric may be helpful in improving our biological age. Our biological age is different than our chronological age and takes into consideration many factors which include our diet, stress, exercise and other lifestyle factors which literally age us or keep us young.
Besides its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric also aids the liver in detoxification of hormones. It has been shown to aid in phase 2 liver detoxification, which helps in removing unneeded hormones and other toxins from the body. And it also may even regenerate liver cells.
Turmeric may especially be helpful in conditions such as painful menstrual cycles, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hormonally related headaches/migraines, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and auto-immune conditions such as Hashimoto’s. So much goodness hiding in plain sight.
Curcumin, derived from turmeric, is amazing for both hormone balance and enhancing fertility: anti-inflammation, antioxidant, and liver detoxification. These three elements can help with underlying factors for hormonal imbalance and fertility issues.
For most hormonal imbalances, the underlying factors that can contribute to these issues are things like chronic stress, how our genes are expressed (either positively or negatively), oxidative stress/free radical damage, chronic inflammation, and telomere shortening and decreased immune system response. These factors are linked to how we eat, move, and feel.
Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes from becoming frayed or tangled. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres become slightly shorter.
One marker of our biological age is the telomere. Telomeres affect cellular aging. The shorter the telomere, the more health risks are present that come with aging, including infertility. Telomeres have been studied as a marker female and male infertility.
What if there is a food that positively affects these underlying factors?
Yes you guessed it..
Curcumin extracted from turmeric!
New research has found that Curcumin not only can stop telomeres from shortening, but can also protect and lengthen your telomeres, which is basically turning back your biological clock!
Our Factor 8 Joint Ease is the most powerful Curcumin product available